
Exams are coming up in 2 weeks. and studying has been going really reallly slowly! today felt especially excruciating sitting down all day. but looking over this past week, its been a good one! some small & big things that gave me great joy this week were::
  • heavy rainfall dancing on the ground (it takes me back home whenever i hear rain's song outside)
  • being soaked through and through by rain (at first u fight it and hate the idea of getting wet, but then you give in and all of a sudden how wonderful to feel refreshing water on the face.. its like God's giving me a shower lol. but hrm, gotta remember to take my umbrella with me more often!)
  • spontaneous music creation ( i miss jamming with ppl though...and i miss the piano.. )
  • smell of fresh rain & fresh cut grass (wherever i am, these smells are always the same. i love it!)
  • hearing of random encounters & conversations with random ppl that turn out to be a blessing (how awesome & cool!)
  • learning a new chord on the guitar (its still so very hard to bar chords though.. *sigh)
  • learning more bout the life Jesus led while he was here on earth (yay for bsf!)
  • witnessing faith giants persevere through attack after attack and coming out stronger on the other side (SR u are a great encouragement to my faith! Wow is all i can say)
  • seeing someone come to Christ in God's timing, and witnessing the growth and life the Spirit is doing in her heart (Praise God!!!!!)