
quote snapshots of Impact 2011

so much learnt from Impact 2011 Conference this past weekend! just some key quotes to look back on in the future. Have yet to synthesize everything in my head, perhaps post-exams I'll get a chance to sit down and go through everything..

"Time is the canvas on which God does His painting...
& eternity is the perspective from which we will see the beauty of His handiwork" - Richard Chin (National Director of AFES)

"... our difficulties can always give us an excuse to sinning... therefore we need to commit ourselves to doing what is right when we face suffering" - Laurie Walsh (Dean of UQ Dent)

"When trouble comes, it is our decision under conscious control to:
  1. turn to God in prayer... or become bitter
  2. be quiet & thoughtful... or begin to complain
  3. be tender & compassionate... or be harsh & cruel
  4. learn new trust in God... or rebel against Him
  5. take courage... or begin to fear
  6. draw close to God in our suffering... or draw away" - Laurie Walsh
"Until we see the propensity of evil in our own hearts we cannot see the power of the gospel" - Richard Chin

"If my eyes are set for mediocrity, I gravitate towards safety and avoid danger, thus avoiding any form of risk taking, thereby rendering myself spiritually ineffective for the Kingdom." - Peter Law (Principal of Crossway Bible College)