
what a crazy week it has been so far..
but still God, you never cease to amaze me :)

thank you for today.
thank you for constantly answering my prayers.
thank you for painting such a beautiful day the moment i stepped outside :)


God is very merciful. I personally attest to His mercy time in time out. Funny how when i lose confidence in myself (which is often) , he is always there to put me back on my feet... he's always there to show me another door, to give me another chance. i need to work on communication... so much goes unsaid, intentions are mis-read, feelings get hurt. not a good thing.


courtesy of a friend (unbeknownst to her), i've been reading this book she left behind during christmas break. unfortunately i didn't get the chance to finish reading it over break, but i'm about halfway through, and its amazing. the book is entitled "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" , written by Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey. its slowly revealing to me a whole new conception of what the body of Christ truly is. funny how God who full well knew the parallels before we could even comprehend what a cell was, created our bodies.... with the Body of Christ in his mind.

as i start a new year, i hope to grow in this understanding of who i am and how i fit into his bigger picture. how he is even possible to use me in all i lack, and in all my inadequacies.... i cannot even imagine or understand.

time and time again, Jesus cleanses our sins so that we may be reconciled with the Father. just as he forgives us, so in turn he asks us to forgive others. let's begin this new year afresh. let us put out our old yeast. let us get rid of our old wineskins. let us learn how to love each other and live with other again.

i pray he'd help me this year to discern and really look deep within myself to know and understand exactly who it is that He created me to be.