- That you develop a wartime mentality and lifestyle; that you never forget that life is short, that billions of people hang in the balance of heaven and hell every day, that the love of money is spiritual suicide, that the goals of upward mobility (nicer clothes, cars, houses, vacations, food, hobbies) are a poor and dangerous substitute for the goals of living for Christ with all your might and maximizing your joy in ministry to people's needs.
- That you be women who have a deep grasp of the sovereign grace of God which undergirds all these spiritual processes; and that you be deep thinkers about the doctrines of grace, and even deeper lovers of these things.
- That you be women of prayer, so that the Word of God will be opened to you, and so the power of faith and holiness will descend upon you; that your spiritual influence may increase at home and at church and in the world.
conclusions: to run hard this race, to be fully aware of eternal consequences & not let opportunities slip me by (& to be bolder!), to hold onto things of this world loosely, to grow in knowledge & grace, & to have prayer at the basis of all things.
random: i feel like there's just so much to do, and so much more i'd like to do. i wonder at times, how do people manage their time so well.. i find it quite difficult. i guess for now, it just means less sleep for me. . .