the fireworks were in all honesty, not that spectacular, but of course still quite purrty :) It's always special seeing the dark sky lit up by lights. but as i was standing there watching the fireworks and hearing all around me the oooh's and ahhh's (myself joining in the chime), i couldn't help but think to myself... Wow, a LOT of people (apparently >half a million) came out to see this, and they stand in amazement at the display of lights in the sky. really, we all gather together to marvel at man's accomplishments for achieving such beauty, and what a show they did put on!... even if it was only for 15minutes ish. But hrm, there's another spectacular display of beauty and wonder that has existed without man's workmanship since the beginning of this world. A display that many if not all around the world from the first man, to us now, have all marveled at. Creation. Looking out at the millions of stars that speckle the sky beyond infinity's eyes, the great waves from the stretched sea of blue that crash onto the shore, the majestic mountain peaks that rise above all, the beauty that is this world & universe, but not a beauty created by the world, but by someone greater, the one true God in heaven, who is the only origin of such beauty. Everyday God's 'fireworks' are on display. and Wow, how glorious!
aside from all the fireworks, it was a wonderful time of fun with old & new friends, yummylicious food, good conversations & digging into the word! here's a pic with most of our housemates. what a cute picture eh? :) really blessed to be living with these girls!