This past Sunday's sermon topic was: "Gospel OUT: Reaching Wholeness through trials"
Reread: James 1:2-18
Recall: This passage is sort of like the Table of Contents/Introduction for the book of James. It gives the reader a taste of what's to come later on in his letter.
Restate: We can achieve wholeness through: enduring trials (v2-4), wisdom from above (v5-8), viewing ourselves as God does (v9-11), receiving God's reward (v12), and knowing where good and bad come from (v13-18).
- to have joy during our trials (v2)
- to achieve steadfastness (this is why we go through trials!), being made perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.. and hence this is why we can have joy in difficult times (v4)
- to ask of God for wisdom (v5)
- to pray in faith without doubting (v6)
- recognizing our place (..our insignificance in this universe)... we will all pass away like the flower of the grass, therefore place our hope in God alone, not in riches (v9-10)
- it isn't God who tempts us to sin, it is our own inner desire that we give into which causes us to sin and ultimately leads us to death (v13-15)
- don't be deceived, remember God is the giver of all good things, our every provision is provided by God (v17)
Relay: As a Christian we go through 3 phases:
- Start = regeneration (being born again) & justification (right legal standing before a Holy God, no longer condemned)
- Process = sanctification (being made holy/'set apart'... to be more like Jesus)
- End = glorification (achieving perfected character & bodies in a new heaven & new earth)
Reflect: Pastor Steve mentioned a really good quote i forget who by..
"Mountains are good for the view, but it's on the ground where character is built."Looking back in the past, this is so true. God's pulled me through some pretty unbearable times. its like climbing up a mountain with fog all around u. u can't see where ur going, at times u doubt if ur even going in the right direction, or u just want to stop and give up. but u keep putting one foot in front of the other, and after a while the fog eases up as u've passed the cloudy section. the Sun now beams brightly down on u and to ur amazement u look to where u've come from, ur miles higher now! And just like the Christian walk, u've got the Son to guide u as u keep looking upwards for direction on the mountain path :) and next time u hit a foggy patch, u have gained confidence and know for certainty it will pass as u look forward to the warmth when the sun reappears (but really it has never disappeared).