i randomly stumbled across this blog from Grace Church in Wyoming. And wow, it has a lot of good stuff! I'm now a subscribed reader lol.
Reading this post, I thought it was wonderful! Often after listening to sermons, I don't really know how to collect my thoughts. They're usually running in all directions, and I just randomly pick at them... but sometimes its too late and the thoughts disappear (only to slightly reappear in CG - community group). Pastor Dave VanAcker from Grace Church posted a really structured way to respond to the teaching & preaching of the Word, and they all start with 'R'! How rocking!
- Reread the Biblical text(s) from the pastor’s message.
- Recall any contextual notes that the pastor made regarding the Biblical text(s).
- Restate, as clearly as possible, the main points from the pastor’s message.
- Relay your general thoughts and/or feelings after hearing the pastor’s message.
- Respond by sharing any practical implications/applications of the Biblical text(s) that the pastor gave in his message (as well as few personal implications/applications of your own).
- Relate to one another by committing to pray for and hold one another accountable for living out the truths communicated by the pastor.
- Reflect the truths communicated by the pastor to each other (strengthening up the church), the world (evangelism and mercy), and to God (worship).