the kingdom of heaven is like a balloon :)
A man blows into a balloon and it expands. Air molecules in contact with the balloon surface are at the edge of balloon expansion, and air molecules in the middle of the balloon are also working to increase the balloon, pushing & supporting air molecules near the edge & expanding the balloon from within (although it may not be as noticeable). It is good to know that air molecules alone cannot do any work, but the man blowing the balloon is the ultimate source to direct & give power to expand the balloon.
We are the air molecules. God is the man blowing the balloon. Through His spirit He pushes us air molecules to do His work in expanding His Kingdom. Just as there are air molecules at the surface of the balloon and air molecules in the middle of the balloon, so there are people who go out to the ends of the earth and people who work within the community. All work together for the same cause, to expand the balloon. All powered by the same source, God. Therefore let us be like-minded, not jealous of each other's ministries, but all working together for one purpose as Kingdom-minded people. For we are all in this balloon together :)