"Reading the Bible is like being a kid in a lollyshop. Each verse is like a lolly that you just suck on, letting it melt in your mouth" - Dr. R
It's one thing to understand a verse in mind & thought, it's a whole other thing to connect with it in heart & soul. Often I find I don't give enough heart time to connect with verses in the bible.. I'm always rushed to 'get the verse' versus letting the verse get me, if that makes any sense. I just need to give myself more time. Hopefully waking up early will help with that.
On another note, I gave blood today for the very first time! After blood giving, the clinic had awesome snacks, and over snacks a friend gave me some food for thought. "No one can do it all." My whole life I've always been a multi-tasker. I've always piled things on my plate and somehow juggled it all around. And in a weird sick way, I kinda liked running around and being busy. So cuz of that, I figured that when I got older I could perhaps keep up the same multitasking deal. But i think this friend may have gotten it right. I can't do it all. If I look a little closer at my multitasking days I find that I really didn't manage everything on my plate. as things got piled on, other things slipped off and got unnoticed or halfheartedly done. i think as i get older and responsibilities become more serious i can't afford to let things slip. and so it all comes down to priorities i guess. if only there were more hours in a day.