we died to ourselves..to be born in Him. everything we do, everything we seek, its all... its ALL in his name. so now i just have to get that through my thick head. i say i give it up to him.. but how much do i mean it? i dunno. .
its like i'm hiding behind a glass mirror. and this glass world is shattering before my very eyes. i'm falling. .. .. .. escapism. stupidity. lies. suffocation. i want to help. but how can i help when i can't even help myself. it just hurts thinking about everything thats happening to everyone around me.. to everything thats happening to me... my friends.. my family.. how did you know something was wrong? something more than meets the eye. cuz you were right. each breath feels like my last. hyperventilation. its as if the list keeps on piling up one by one. and i'm alone. i cry out to you God. do you hear? yes you do.. you always have. i cry out for mercy. Lord, please deliver me from this. i'm so fragile Lord. . my roots feel so shallow.. bit by bit, i feel your peace overcome me.. I pray for peace and you've granted me that ever so slowly but surely. how come i can't open up? why do i bottle things up? why do i stand alone on this tiny island all by myself.. why do i keep on rejecting friends who are trying to be there for me... no words come out when i open my mouth.. i don't know if you'll understand.. i just don't even want to speak. honestly its just good enough that i know you're there for me.. i hate that through this all, i've become so weak.. that i've escaped by other means. what am i doing? WHAT am i doing?! its like i escape from my worries.. from my doubts.. from my life.. by entering and immersing myself in yours.. everyone else's except mine. God. have mercy please? i don't want to be that girl trapped behind the mirror ...
pictures :)
thanks Pastor Lo & Auntie Sally =)
There is Life
You know the weak, they’re falling so deep. (Am Dm)
They run so fast the world’s a blur, (Bb F)
Only to look back and find that they are (Am)
Drowning, (Dm)
They’re Burning, (Bb)
They’re Dying, (Gm)
They’re Dead. (A)
They walk so stubbornly with no shame, (Dm Bb F)
Mocking and Scoffing your glorious name. (Am Dm)
The waves of this world are pulling them down, (Bb F)
Lord stretch your hands out because they are (Am )
Drowning, (Dm)
They’re Burning, (Bb)
They’re Dying, (Gm)
They’re Dead. (A)
Yet out of darkness, there is light; (D A A/Bb)
Out of Tears and sorrow you’ve brought joy for tomorrow. (Bm G)
And out of emptiness, there is completeness; (D A)
‘Cause now there is life where once there was death, (Bm G)
You stretched out your hand to the hopeless, (D/F# A)
You picked us as the chosen elect, (Bm G)
Yes, You granted us life in the face of death. (D/F# G)
So now there’s dancing, (D/F#)
There’s laughing, (G)
There’s living, (Bm)
There’s Life. (A)
blast from the past
soo.. i dug up these pictures whilst in the midst of reminiscing on the past: lol we're so weird aren't we? :P

see? i have asian friends, i have basically all asian friends! then there's the token Sam and Sapsford :P (L->R: Sapsford (aka Saps aka Sarah), Vicpoo, ME, Sam, Jamie (aka Turtle aka Shortstuff lol), Di, and Dave)

aren't we so weird? :)

oh vicpoo, i have YET to have a picture where your eyes are ACTUALLY open :P lol! maybe this christmas!

lol we're strange, what can i say? but we're strange in an oh-so-cool-kinda-way!
You are my Lord
It’s weighing me down, and its fogging the view, (C#m A)
I just want to see You. (B)
Empower me Lord, strengthen this heart, (E B)
So I can close my eyes, let go of this world, (G#/E A)
And fall back unto You. (B)
I give my life to You (E)
I put all my trust in You (B)
‘Cuz Jesus You are my Lord (G#/E A)
I will walk through fiery flames (E)
Even run on stormy waves (B)
‘Cuz Jesus You are my Lord (G#/E A)
Where you call, I will go. (C#m B)
Whatever you ask, I will do. (E A)
Yes, I’ll take heed to your word. (C#m B)
Lord I’m following You. (E A)
Is this me? am i the one without Spirit. A while ago, I had a talk with a friend, and it was so enlightening, yet i look back now and think, why was I so incredibly hesitant to believe? At first I wouldn't, I didn't accept it at face value, but kept on questioning, kept on.. doubting the TRUTH! Am I one without the Spirit who doesn't accept the things from the Spirit? Creationism. Up till I dunno, when i was in gr.5 or 6, i DID believe in Creationism. then i remember when i hit the age of thinking and doubt.. and how it was 'smart' to be skeptical, to be realistic, but in essence what i did was compromise my beliefs ... thinking all along that I was just explaining creationism in a different way.. when in fact, i was wrong. so wrong. the world WAS created in 6 days. Not six periods, not six eras, plain and simply six 24-hour long days! How do I know this? well, death only happens because of sin. So how, HOW can there be evolution if there was no death? How can there be death in paradise? only AFTER man had fallen was there death, and subsequently MICROevolution.. none of this Ape & Man both coming from some unknown man/ape ancestor. I was talking with my mom last night, and I told her my newfound belief.. and it was so strange, she wasn't at all phased by this. She'd been brought up and had always accepted that the world, the universe was created in six ACTUAL days. . and it made me feel so silly.. that i couldn't just believe like my mom.. but needed proof. i needed evidence. how stupid is that, when the word itself is INFALLIBLE!! thanks for lending me those dvds eh? They've answered a lot of questions and more importantly put a scientific spin on things, BUT through 'biblical glasses' .. i.e. explaining the wonders BASED on the bible.. not the bible based on 'scientific evidence'
poor little ones..

bacteria, viruses, and the sorts are like the underdogs in the cellular world of life. they're just little, tiny country bumpkins from the middle of nowhere in Saskatchewan trying to make a living and a life in the big flashy metropolitan Toronto. i mean look at that immunoglobulin above! that's some scary stuff! and of course they're aim in life is to make sure those little country bumpkins never live to see another day. oh how sad.
ah, it's early, my mind hurts from all this microbiology shoved into it.
its all good
it's weird, walking home today after senate, i was thinking to myself that I'm so glad God is finally FINALLY teaching me a lesson on self-control. this was something i've prayed for in the past.. and here's my opportunity. as someone told me, baby steps. but today, was one huge step. i'm ok. i'm seriously ok . and its cool not having to worry about it. i just pray God will keep me strong, and that i will continue to have my eyes focused only on Him. it feels like the moment i look back, the moment i lose focus, i'll fall . its like when you stretch your quads. they always tell you to focus your eyes on one spot, and stare. the moment you look around, the moment your eyes start wandering off, you lose balance and fall. it would seem life is just one long quad stretch eh? but thankfully, its good knowing that if our eyes start wandering, he'll be there to break the fall.. i just don't want to disappoint Him though.. grant me your strength O Lord, that I may walk by faith, having eyes only for you.
thank you uncle
first things first.. i will grow as a Disciple of Christ through being diligent in reading His Word, i will prepare the path of doing missions with a purpose and a skill by studying hard in school and getting into medicine or whatever else he wants me to do, and finally i'll continue praying for direction from God to discern what His calling for me is and where exactly he wants me to go if and when he calls me.. then from there we'll see where this road will lead to.
Here I am.
Take me.
quote of the day
"ya know those polish ppl.. they're usually blonde-eyed, blue-eyed" - joyce
check list::::::
0. stay STRONG!!!! :(
1. catch up on ALL of Bchm310
2. write out micr notes (chpt 6, 7, 8)
3. Read/Review Stats Ch. 1-9
4. read psyc (part II)
sub to-do-list...
1. Read Micah
2. find a new study place.. NOT stauffer 4th floor
3. learn first page of Wild Jagd (piano piece by Liszt)
4. try to avoid, err.. see less of ... "friend"
stupidness and the sorts
so this is me in my weakness. .. i'm slipping. for example i've already broken one of my resolutions for this year... no downloading, no dc++... i keep on justifying things in my head, even though in my gut i know whats right and i know whats wrong. but even though i know... i don't act accordingly.. ..
oh.. and whats worse is i think i might like a boy. i've talked to viv and joyce about it now, and ya, its probably & most likely & certainly because i've been spending way too much time with this guy. *sigh. this year i've deemed no-boy-year. why? well i just plain and simply got sick of thinking about boys... caring for boys.. i just wanted to grow in friendships only. also, it was made in partial fear... in that i don't quite trust myself at times. yes i've very little to no experience at all actually, but still.. i just don't want to THINK about anyone. i just don't want to care. don't want to wish. don't wanna hope. nothing nothing nothing nothing.. so.. can one have a plutonic relationship with a guy? or is it just natural that both sexes tend to have feelings for each other as the friendship progresses... uhh, stupidness. stupid boy/girl stuff. why can't this whole entire world be made up of just girls or something. why do hormones and affections have to come into play?
so conclusion: i don't really like this boy. or at least i don't think. these "feelings" are just cuz i've been spending so much time with him, so i've grown attached to him.. and IF there's actually something there, then i guess it'll just have to wait till next year to unravel. cuz nothings gonna happen anytime soon. whats the big rush anyways?
1. For winter to come, for snow to finally fall
2. For an icecream cone. for GRAPE-flavoured icecream on a cone (never tasted one before... but mmm.. just imagine :)
3. For a hug, not one of those wussy pansy-type hugs.. but a REAL hug! one that warms you to the core
4. To be able to play Chopin's piano concerto #1 in E minor *sigh, if only i could return to the olden days.. ..
yummy yummy eggs :) mmm
thanks fi!
hearing your story makes me wanna cry..
worse yet..
not knowing where your heart is..
it hurts...
God, can't you just reveal yourself to him so boldly, so forthrightly that he can't help but turn to you... please? God i pray you work miracles again. Let me see a miracle.. please..
So here's to this year. Lord annoint it and your servant before you. In everything I do, Lord may I glorify only You. Thank you for staying true to your words, for remaining faithful and for showing your faithfulness to me time and time again.

I love you Halmoni (grandmother). Please live just a bit longer... there's still so much I want to say to you.. if only one day i could wake up fluent in korean.. if only. .. there'd be so much I want to talk to you about. and finally I'd be able to understand exactly what you're saying to me. but for now, i'll just rely on God's wisdom. thank you Halmoni for having a heart of gold, for pushing me to become the best I can be.
i will sing your praises even before the sun rises,
and i will sing your praises long after sunset.
thank you for answering my prayers (yet again)
you've laid it out so perfectly,
you've brought them directly to me,
as if you just knew all along,
and you did.
Lord, let my light shine for you,
wherever I go,
may I reflect your love and not my own,
for I am nothing and have nothing,
I am but a mist who vanishes after a little while,
while You O God are from everlasting to everlasting,
your love will never fade.
i love my god.
he's put a song in my heart,
he's given me reason to skip and frollick in the sun till dawn
he picks me up each and every time i fall
he doesn't get annoyed at my silly questions or silly remarks
he puts a smile on my face when I wake up
he's so incredibly patient despite my being so stubborn at times
he's blessed me with my parents, my brothers, and my friends
he's pushing me in this swing of life
he's created art wherever i go, his creation is just so beautiful
he's my saviour, my friend, and the lover of my soul
and THAT is why I love my God.
a love like faith
but.. love, in a way, is sorta like faith in that faith without action is dead. likewise, love without action is also dead. Jesus, when he came down to Earth not only preached about love, but freely gave it out - one of the prime examples being how Jesus not only healed, but TOUCHED the leprous man - so again, i ask myself do i really love? now, the answer is a maybe. and that's not a good sign. love is meaningless and empty if it's not backed by action, so it's my prayer that i become less self-absorbed and more pro-ACTIVE, less oblivious and more aware of others, to show less "dead-love" and more of "God's-love" backed by action.
thankyou my faithful Lord..
Lord.. keep me strong this year. I don't want to be burned out, I don't want to give in to worry.. most importantly, i don't want to become prideful. Lord keep me humble throughout it all.. to recognize it is YOU who has given everything, and it is YOU who can so easily strip it away
heaven's song
Butterflies dancing,
Flowers smiling.
Birds chirping,
Wind blowing,
Sun beaming,
Children laughing,
All to the lull of Heaven's song
.. ever have that feeling, like you're in a movie? not only that, but it feels like there's music continuously playing in the background, just like during those emotional teary-eyed moments or transitory scenes in a TV drama. i was walking home today, and sat down for a long while on a park bench, just sitting and listening and thinking.. trying to take in everything at once. and i heard it. i heard an echo of Heaven's song, and it was beautiful. hearing children laugh, birds sing, trees waving their hands, the wind weaving through the grass, butterflies and bumblebees fluttering to each smiling flower, everything, everything was all so beautiful, and my heart felt content and complete. i thought it'd be tough at first, but it isn't, not anymore. I wouldn't mind staying like this forever, maybe i can. if it's in your will i guess, but at this very moment, i wouldn't mind. thank you for holding my heart, my whole heart.
10 Goals for '06-'07
My goals. help me Lord to follow through with these words. I know by myself I'm doomed to fail from the start, but you're holding me Lord, it is ALL You and Not Me.
1. this will be incredibly difficult, but from now on, no DC++, no christiantorrents, no downloading in general. i never once thought twice about my downloading music, movies, etc. but last sunday a guy pointed out to me how wrong it was.. he wasn't being judgemental or anything, in fact quite the contrary, but he made me see so clearly that it was just not right. and i recognize that now.. and to recognize yet do nothing, that would be the worst. so ya, no more stealing, cuz that's what it is in essence.2. as mentioned in a prior post, this year I want to continue being single - for God to be the focal point in my life, for him to be the SOURCE of love that my heart will run to... not boys, not for the ideal of romance. Yet at the same time, this year I want to grow in my relationships with brothers-in-Christ, nothing more nothing less.
3. to put emphasis and strive for consistency in my prayer life; for Him to permeate EVERY SINGLE aspect of my life. not just the quiet prayer time, but to be in direct communication with him in everything that i do.. whether it be when I'm walking to class, when I'm doing homework, in meetings, during meals... everwhere really. its something i'm starting to get used to, and definitely don't want to let go.
4. to continue faithfully through my bible studies every morning. to have completed the book by the end of the year.
5. to grow as a worship leader and disciple in Christ.
6. to put a Godly stance in everything I do and say during Assembly Meetings, and especially during Senate! I've been delegated and elected Senator by You God. I hate politics, it's so dirty, yet you've placed me here, in a position of influence at Queen's. Don't let me shy away from my responsibilities, inspire me to say what you want me to say.. Lord I want Queen's University to be marked and annointed by You!
7. to grow in relationships with my sisters in Christ here at Queen's. Especially look after the relationships with those 3 people I've told you about..
8. to grow in my non-christian relationships. you seem to have placed me in a position with a LOT of non-christian friends. Lord, utilize me, may it be as natural as possible when the time comes to speak your truth.. but more importantly, keep me strong and level-headed. i never want to lose sight of you despite pulling influences.
9. to concentrate on my studies. i'm placed at queen's first and foremost to gain an education. help me glorify your name through my studies.
10. to take joy in everything I do, cuz i only live once, and this life is a gift from you to me. i want to embrace life fully cuz it really IS a joy to be alive!
hard knock life
nichole nordeman is the real deal
this was one of the first songs i heard from her, and listening to it again, i remembered why she stood out from the rest of the songs on my playlist. one word. wow.
Bless the days this restoration is complete
dirty, dusty, something must be underneath
So I scrape and I scuff
though it's never quite enough
I am starting to see me finally
A gallery of paintings new and paintings old
Guess its no suprise that I'm no michaelangelo
every layer of mine
hides a lovely design
It might take a little patience
it might take a little time
but you called me beautiful
when you saw my shame
and you placed me on the wall
you who have begun this work will someday see
A portrait of the holiness you meant for me
so I polish and shine till its easier to find
even an outline of mine
but you called me beautiful
when you saw my shame
and you placed me on the wall
thank you Father for the grace you've shown to me. its a grace that i will never be able to understand fully. its a grace beyond meaning, a grace beyond logic, and thankfully, a grace beyond doubt.
I Cling to You
No place now to hide (D)
Jesus take me from this world of hardened pride (A)
There’s nothing for me here (Bm G)
Nothing for me now (D)
Don’t leave me hanging as I reach my hands up high (A)
I cling to You, Holy Truth (D D/F# )
I hold on tight, with all my might (G A)
Don’t let me go, my enduring Hope (D D/F#)
Just find rest my soul, in God alone. (G A)
And I will go with You (Bm G)
Where you stay I’ll stay (D)
Lord I will follow you forever and a day (A)
And I will bear your cross (Bm G)
Bear it anew each day (D)
The tides are changing, but I’ll continue to walk in faith (A)
what worship is:
1. “Strong affections for God, rooted in and shaped by the truth of Scripture – this is bone and marrow of biblical worship” (John Piper)
2. Worship in song must be a genuine extension from a lifestyle of worship
3. Every moment and every activity can be transformed into an act of worship
“Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Colossians 3:23, NLT)
“Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering.” (Romans 12:1, Mssg)
“Let every detail in your lives--words, actions, whatever--be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way” (Colossians 3:17, Mssg)
a jaw-dropping wow
i like leading worship. its scary and frightening. but its also enlightening and uplifting (if that makes any sense). leading worship has pushed me to become a better servant, a better Christian, and a better daughter to my Lord. so ya, i really do like leading worship.
Haggai 2:1-23
Haggai teaches us that faithfulness and blessings are directly connected; that when a good work is awaiting its accomplishment, the time to do it is now! that discouragement is not a good enough reason for neglecting duties. "Be strong and work" (Haggai 2:4) is a great statement to live by... its going out in faith, working hard, and in the process receiving the many blessings poured out from our Father.
"My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear." (Haggai 2:5)
"I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you." (Haggai 2:23)
God said He would make Zerubbabel like a signet ring, yet earlier on (somewhere in Jeremiah) God passes judgement on his grandfather and entire family line. however, years later, Zerubbabel leads a group of Jews back to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon. Because of his obedience to God and his efforts to rebuild the temple, the Lord refers to Zerubbabel as a valued signet ring. (The signet ring represents honor and authority of a king)
Lesson to Learn: Be Obedient, Be Strong, and Work Hard
Malachi 1:6-14
Malachi hits the dot when addressing the issue of hypocritical worship. Apparently, the term “hypocrite” has Elizabethan roots. An actor would play numerous roles by switching masks. It was the same person, but a different face. The word “hypocrite” in today’s terminology is completely negative now - he or she is a person who talks out of both sides of their mouth, someone who goes through the proper motions but has a hidden agenda. Have you ever heard that phrase "I got so much out of worship today" ? its warped i tell you. Its not what we get out of it, but rather what we GIVE out of ourselves to Him.
There is a natural order and a natural flow of things. First comes love, then comes Worship. These 2 values go hand-in-hand or rather they're like hand in glove. There can be no separating our love for God from our worship of who God is.
In Malachi's time, he speaks of Worship services which have become routine and mundane. The people were showing up for corporate worship but their lifestyle demonstrated a selfish priority. Its scary how our time and age is not so much different from theirs. Malachi emphasizes the need for true worship, and the heart of his message identifies what true worship is. True worship must have a sincere respect for God. True worship must give a sacrificial response to God. Is God our buddy-buddy? or is he our master whom we honour and respect (Malachi 1:6)? For our God says "I am a great King, and my name is to be feared among the nations" (Malachi 1:14) Where's the fear in our generation today? It's like we've bottled him up into a tiny cute little package of love and happiness.. and we don't recognize this is the same avengeful God who can brutally strip us into nothing.
humility in you.
<-----! !----->
"Your attitude should be the same as that
of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death -
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under
the earth,
and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."
- Philippians 2:5-11
<-----! !----->
and i dunno why, but i just started crying.
it was as if all my frustrations, all my worries, all my inner longings were embodied in my tears.
ya, we had a really bad worship practice, and that just added fuel to the flame.. but i wasn't crying for that . i pinpointed why exactly all these tears were flowing down my face. it was cuz an image popped into my head. an image of myself at home, hugging my dad. its so strange, i never in a million years thought that THAT would bring me to tears! me, the one who's so stoic when it comes to crying. i miss you dad. i miss the warmth i get when i'm in your arms, i miss that sense of security, knowing that when i'm in your embrace, everything will be ok. its like you put a spell over me. and now, just thinking about you is putting me to tears all over again.. stop grace. stop crying. why are you so weak right now? why do you miss home so much? why are tears flowing down your face? just stop. please..
i miss you.
i miss you daddy
i miss you michael
i miss you david
i just want to go home right now.
i think it might've been for the best if i had gone home to study this summer.
i feel like there are 10 oceans between us.
can't believe you guys are roadtripping back to calgary again..
wish i could come.
don't let go..
You are my crutch.
Don't ever let me go.
I fear the second you release me, I'll fall.
I'm hanging by one strand -
that golden strand connecting me to you.
Don't let go.
I can't stand on my own 2 feet without you Lord.
I don't think i'll even be able to breathe, for responsibilities, duties, aspirations, they all overwhelm me, they'll sweep me off my feet into darkness. Lord you're controlling my breath. each depression of my diaphragm, each contraction of my intercostal muscles, Lord you're even controlling my medulla oblongata
Lord you control everything. i'll collapse without you God, and you know it.
You complete me, (Bb)
Like none other can. (Dm C)
Lord, you're my Father, (F C)
My best friend, (Bb)
On whom I can depend. (C)
So why do I look elsewhere, (F)
For purpose in my life. (C/E)
And why is my heart running, (Dm)
To burden and to strife. (C)
Despite my true intentions, (Bb)
I'm losing sight of you. (F/A)
I'm fooling myself, (Bb/G)
Deceiving myself. (F/A)
Now I'm longing for you, (Bb/G)
Hoping for you, (F/C)
For your promises reign true. (Bb C)
Lord, be my center (F C/E)
Lord, Be my answer (Dm F/C)
Lord, by my Sole Desire. (Bb F/A)
Hold me. (Bb/G)
Take me. (F/A)
Lead me, (Bb)
in this life. (F)
very random thoughts
it was unfair, and i probably should have told you,
but time has past..
and it really was just a bad day
maybe i'll blame it on pms or something..
thanks mrs.lo for teaching me to bake cookies from scratch!
there's more than meets the eye, that's for sure
my feet hurt, i've been on a go-go from 8am-1am
can't believe i'm actually gonna get to record my song.. hope if anyone listens, they won't laugh.. or think its horrible. music is like laying your heart bare for the whole world to see. its like being stripped down to nothing.. its like that nightmare every kid has of standing naked in front of their class.
i'm still missing you both.
i hate not being able to call.
just a few more weeks to go.
i'm scared.
could i be able to say "Lord where you go I will go, where you stay i will stay"?? how much do i really mean it when i say it? i want to think that i mean it, and i want to believe that i mean it, but do i actually mean it?
i'm tired.
tired of this all.
unbounded mercy
I've made to You. (A E/G#)
Emptiness, in complete abyss (F#m D)
Without You, Lord without You. (A E)
I can't see, I can't breathe, without You. (Bm F#m Esus E)
I can't feel, I can't think, I need You. (Bm F#m Esus E)
And I'm torn up inside, (Bm)
Lord I've lived a lie. (A)
My heart is frozen, (C#m)
Stone cold and broken. (E)
I'm guilty and tried, (Bm)
Entangled in pride. (A)
Can You hear my cry, (C#m)
My silent cry? (E)
..and I sing: (E)
Lord have Mercy (F#m D)
On me, on me. (A E)
And Lord I am nothing, (F#m D)
But take me, please take me (A E)
Brokenness, only brokenness. (F#m D)
There's nothing now, but You. (A E/G#)
I turn to You, there's only You. (A E/G#)
Please save me Lord, please do. (A E)
I want to see, I want to breathe, with You. (Bm F#m Esus E )
I want to feel, I want to think, I need You. (Bm F#m Esus E)
And I'm begging you Lord, (Bm)
Am I spoken for? (A)
Can you save this child, (C#m)
This undeserving child? (E)
Is there grace for me, (Bm)
yes even for me? (A)
Lord hear my cry, (C#m)
my heartfelt cry. (E)
..and I sing: (E)
Lord show mercy, (F#m D)
On me, on me (A E)
And Lord I have nothing, (F#m D)
Yet you've taken me, you've taken me (A E)
And now I'm complete in You (A Bm)
And now I'm made whole in You (A/C# D)
And I'm renewed and alive (A)
Strengthened and revived (Bm )
Refined and Redignified in You (A/C# D)
I can see, and I can breathe, (Bm A/C#)
I can feel; Your grace is my seal. (D E)
Will You teach me your ways, (A)
To strengthen my faith. (D)
I will walk in your truths, (A/C#)
Uphold the good news. (E)
Lord my heart belongs to You, (A)
Only to You. (D)
My praises fill the sky, (A/C#)
Only for You! (E)
..and I'll proclaim: (E)
Lord you are merciful, (A E/G#)
To me, even me(F#m D)
Oh Lord, your grace is beautiful, (A E/G#)
It saved me, yes You saved me (F#m D)
thankful for those talks...
after tonight's talk, i've come to a conclusion. i've said it before, but now its going to be put into longterm action. for the next year at least, i'm going to swear off boys.. as in no thinking about anything that could be more than a friendship, no thinking about romance, no looking for love, no looking period. i want to be content with being single. and i will be content. not only that, but one day, probably not anytime soon, i'd want to have as much faith as to say to the Lord that I'd be happy being single for the rest of my life... to have that much trust in Him, to have that much love for Him and Him alone! So here's to the year of growing relationships solely as brothers and sisters in Christ, here's to a year of being whole in only you my Lord.
all along...
that despite my not having the most eloquent speech, or the perfect words to describe what i want to say .. Lord you still understand me.. even through all my mumbles and grumbles. i could only laugh when it dawned on me as i was walking home tonite.. Lord you know me. you out of every single person i know in this world, you know me the best. i don't have to impress you Lord, i don't have to try so hard in front of you, i don't need to be someone i'm not.. because you understand me just as i am, you accept me just as i am, and most importantly, Lord you love me despite all my bruises and scars. out of everyone you know the deepest yearnings of my being, you know when my soul is crying out for help, when i am in need.. you really are my best friend.. how could i be so blind as to not truly understand that before?
Can my God His wrath forbear? Me, the chief of sinners spare?
I have long with stood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face,
Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Him by a thousand falls.
Jesus, answer from above: Is not all Thy nature love?
Wilt Thou not the wrong forget? Lo, I fall before Thy feet.
Lord, incline me to repent; Let me now my fall lament;
Deeply my revolt deplore; Weep, believe, and sin no more.
- Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
(. . .i'm wretched, so utterly wretched
wholly underserving of your grace
have mercy on your servant oh Lord
take pity on this deplorable sight. . . )
home sweet home

something beautiful..
Isn't what I thought I'd see
Give me reason to believe
Never leave me incomplete
Will you untie this loss of mine
It so easily defines me
Do you see it on my face?
And all I can think about
Is how long
I've been waiting to feel you move me
Close my eyes and hold my heart
Cover me and make me something
Change this something normal
Into something beautiful
And I'm still fighting for the
Word to break these chains
And I still pray when I look
In your eyes, you'll stare right
Back down into something beautiful
matthew 5:13-14
Looking at verses 13 and 14 of Matthew 5; we see that these 2 verses reach the pinnacle/climax of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. "Enter in the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in that way; because narrow is the gate, and hard is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
it all comes down to one word: CHOOSE
He's asking us to make the ultimate choice, to which path we'll take, to which destination we'll end up in: life or destruction. Seeing as his audience was made up of mainly Jews (believing Jews at that, among whom were the Pharisees), we know Jesus was not addressing the contrast between Christians and Pagans; rather, he was talking to 'Christians' alike! Both roads, the wide and the narrow, are marked as "The Way to Heaven" (i mean why would Satan mark the road to destruction as Hell? that wouldn't be tactful of him) .. So Jesus is contrasting between divine righteousness and human righteousness, as opposed to blatant unrighteousness. So what is Jesus calling us to do? well, he wants to bring us to that point where we realize that in our flesh, we are completely and utterly incapable of pleasing God. He wants us to be in desperation for him, with a broken spirit, meek and mournful. He wants us to cry out for righteousness from the one and only source that provides it, from God himself.
its not just about that choice. often the fine print is overlooked. the fine print of 2 simple words: Follow ThroughIn order to enter the Kingdom we need to come on the terms Jesus described. to abandon our self-righteousness so we see ourselves as beggars in spirit (Matthew 5:3), mourning over our sin (Matthew 5:4), meek before a Holy God (Matthew 5:5), and hungering and thirsting for righteousness (Matthew 5:6). God wants us to strive wholeheartedly to enter that narrow gate as it says in Luke 13:24 "Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able"
The word 'Strive' is the Greek word agonizomai, which means "to agonize." This word is used in 1Corinthians 9:25 to speak of the athlete who agonizes to win a victory. Not only that, but looking at 1 Timothy 6:12 it says "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
The Kingdom is for those who seek it with all their hearts; its for those who agonize to enter it; for those who mourn in meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, and long for God to change their lives. He wants us to be utterly dependant solely on Him. ya, to be as dependant as a child is.. as in Matthew 18:3.
Our generation has become an age of laziness. we're a generation who always looks for those quick-fixes, those instant-everything's. But when it concerns salvation, we canNOT be lazy. there is no quick-fix, as in, one cannot expect to be saved and on that path to life just because he or she believes and prays. granted there is nothing wrong with believing and praying, but those things in itself do not guaruntee salvation.. for even the Devil believes, and what about the Pharisees! Verses 13 & 14 of Matthew 5 is incredibly scary when you think about it. Many many 'christians' believe they're on that road to life, yet as Jesus points out, many seek and few will find... many will be deceived and enter that broad road labelled "The True Way to Heaven" when all along they're headed to destruction.
so words to myself as a reminder.. Beware . continually understand that I am nothing, absolutely nothing.. and only through my Father am i made into something......
I forget who i was talking to, but a conversation popped up where we were debating the hottest/coolest/(dare-i-say)sexiest instrument known to man. apparently for many, the saxophone (i.e. the saxomaphone) is pretty high up there on the 'hot' list. but for me, just give me someone who plays the guitar or drums, and i'm good right there! I think i look up to all those who play these instruments mainly cuz i've always wanted to play them myself.. but never really got around to doing so. that was of course until i learned to play the drums as of late!! today was my debut as drummergal on the worship team. to be perfectly honest, there were a whole lotta extra-beats, lost-beats, wrong-beats, and the occasional right beats here and there, not only that, but apparently my timing was as if i was doing the 100m dash to the finish line or something. quite the sporadic drummer, yet Lily was convinced I'd been drumming my whole life :) --> cool
but ya, my goal is to become a stable drummer so that come september i'll be able to fill in here and there. since Aaron is leaving kcac, we'll be down with only 1 drummer.. and even that drummer might not be here in the fall. we'll see how God's plan unfolds, but it never hurts to be prepared, to oil up the lamp and get ready for night.
i love you.
... the thing i realized as of late is that NO person on earth can ever ever EVER say 'I Love You' unless he or she has experienced continual Love - Perfect love - that from God our Father in Heaven. I bold continual because that word is CRUCIAL to Christians, to us.. to me.. yes, Christians have all experienced God's love one time or another throughout their lives. But it's that moment where it hits you, that moment where suddenly the storm clouds lift and the sun peaks through, its that epiphany that transforms your life for eternity. Ya, its at that moment where we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour because of the love we experienced firsthand from him. Do you remember the feeling? not only that but the true understanding that came with the feeling -- the understanding of how HUGE his love was for us, that all we could do was overflow with his love, and spill it to all those around us. God doesn't want us to reflect his love, he wants us to overflow with his love, like lava bursting out from a volcanoe, consuming and covering all that it comes in contact with. so how then can we love if we are not replenished by the ultimate source of love? if we do not experience his love continually, our love consequently will dry out like the famine-stricken land - cracked, dead. We hear it time and time again: We love because God first Loved Us. It is that continual returning to the cross day-in day-out, not only that but even every single minute of each hour, where we are open to receive what he has to say to us, open to receive the love he so freely gives.. then will we be able to say "I love you" with true, pure, and perfect meaning.
ya i guess this is just a reminder to myself by putting my thoughts down into words. a reminder not to cheapen my Father's love for me by using that oh-so-often-used-phrase "I Love You" without backed meaning.
Nothing but the truth.
Testimony of Science
Hydrology is the branch of science that studies the waters of the earth. In the hydrologic cycle, water evaporates into the atmosphere and is redeposited onto the earth in the form of rain or snow. That precipitation feeds rivers, which flow into the ocean. Evaporation from the ocean forms clouds, from which precipitation falls on the land, and the cycle repeats itself.The science of hydrology was founded in the seventeenth century by Mariotte, Perrault, and Halley, but the hydrologic cycle is clearly described in Scripture:
1. Ecclesiastes 1:7--"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full." (That's because of the hydrologic cycle)
2. Job 36:27-28--"He [God] draws up the drops of water, they distill rain from the mist, which the clouds pour down, they drip upon man abundantly" (NASB).
3. Psalm 135:7--"He causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain." (This verse speaks of evaporation and precipitation)
4. Job 26:8--"He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not torn under them." (This verse speaks of the formation of clouds by condensation)
In Psalm 19:6, the psalmist refers to the sun when saying "His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hidden from the heat thereof." Long ago it was thought that the sun was stationary, yet it is now known that the sun, along with other stars in our galaxy revolve around the center of the galaxy. Astronomy books currently teach that the sun completes one such circuit every 250 million years! God knew this before we did because he created this world and the universe we live in.Looking at Job 26:7, it says "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing" Already, God talks about gravity in the Bible! This in itself is a huge testimony for the validity of the Word! Before Isaac Newton discovered gravity, the Hindu taught that the earth was balanced on the back of an elephant that rested on the back of a turtle. Other pagans, such as the Greeks, believed that the mythical Atlas carried the earth on his shoulders. Yet 4000 years ago, the oldest Book in the Bible recorded that the “earth hangs upon nothing.” Just a century ago, scientists believed that the earth was supported by some kind of ether. Today, scientists must admit that Job was correct. The earth does indeed “hang” and even travel through the emptiness of space.
Testimony of Prophecy
Destruction of Nineveh
In Nahum it states that Nineveh will be destroyed by a flood. Nineveh was one massive city with a 100ft. high and 50ft. thick inner wall, with 15 gates and a 150ft. wide moat, not to mention a 7 mile circumference. Massively Huge eh? In 663 B.C., 51 years after Nahum prophesied, the city was no more. Not only that, but the destruction of Nineveh coaligns with "Ab" which was the rainy month. To add, there exists a stratum of pebbles and sand around the site that verfies Nineveh was flooded out. Amazing to say the least!18.6.06
happy daddy's day!
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,
He called it ... Dad
Thank you Daddy for always seeing me through every single thing i do. it seems like time and time again, you've always been there to pick me up. you find a way to inspire and encourage me to never give up, to tough it out.
I miss you and mom so much. i hate not being able to talk to you as often as before. phone plans are just silly silly. especially mine. But Daddy? I just wanted to say that I miss you TONS, i miss your soothing hugs, i miss your yummy yummy food =P i miss talking to you about nothing and everything, i miss.. well, i just miss you.
Love you Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!
priviledged prayer
That in itself is such a powerful statement, and Lord I am grateful to be able to utter it. Ya, because it really is a gift from you to me, teach me not to take prayer for granted God. Teach me to fully realize the weight that is carried with those words. To understand the consequences of my sins, and the grace You had for me and all of humanity.. . All so that I and everyone who is reaching out to you can have the priviledge to talk to you, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elohim of All Time.
In Jesus' Name,
obsolete light.
this is how i have lived my whole life. all this time, i felt like i was flying, yet in reality, i was drowning.. drowning in false hope. my whole life, i've put education, duty, and future before everything else, and unknowingly before God. would I be happy if the road i want to take so badly becomes a dead-end? How would I react? i hate it when people have expectations from you. when people have hope in you and your abilities. when people (especially people you look up to, or strive to be) are so certain you'll end up in destination C. i don't want to let them down. i don't want to let myself down.
Ironic how one of my favourite songs speaks exactly of what I've failed to do. Surrending All.
I'm giving you my heart, and all that is within
I lay it all down for the sake of you my King
I'm giving you my dreams, I'm laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride for the promise of new life
And I surrender all to you, all to you
And I surrender all to you, all to you
I'm singing You this song, I'm waiting at the cross
And all the world holds dear, I count it all as loss
For the sake of knowing You for the glory of Your name
To know the lasting joy, even sharing in Your pain
Words and Music by Marc James/©2000 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
Lord, i so want to give up my future to you. I want to surrender my life's course to you and you alone. It's hard God. It's so hard to let go of the things i've embraced my whole life. Help me Lord. Help me to take it one day at a time.. etch those words from the song above into my heart.. and when future becomes present, may i be content with your will.
In Jesus' Name,
Galations 5:22-23
Revelation 14:13 "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."
Matthew 21:19 "And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away."
Matthew 3:10 "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."
The fruit of the Spirit is a gift from God. There are nine fruits mentioned in the fifth chapter of Galations. The fruit (singular) of the Spirit is the work of the Holy Spirit within us. It is not just something we can gain on our own. It is something we attain only by joining our lives to Christ, by loving Him, by imitating Him and by remaining close to Him. Although our works don't save us, Revelations 14:13 says they do follow us. What we do is important. How we act, the way we conduct ourselves on a day to day basis, reflects on the name of Christ if we call ourselves Christians. It's so important to build the nine fruits of the Spirit as solid as you can build them into your character and practice them in your everyday life. Bearing fruit was so important to Jesus that he put a curse on the fig tree that didn't bear fruit so that it couldn't bear any more figs and it withered up and died. Matthew 3:10 says every tree that doesn't bear good fruit would be cut down and burned.
Love - for me to accept everyone as they are, not to judge or make preconceptions before even meeting the person
Joy - for me to have continual joy through the Spirit, even when I'm in despair, even when I feel I've lost all
Patience - for me to step out of my shoes and understand how others think, how others feel; not to have such high expectations for people, but rather to accept what I'm given
Kindness - for me to not only take notice of those in need, but to ACT on it
Goodness - for me to be filled inside with the Holy Spirit and the Living Word, so that everything coming out of me is wholly and completely good like all that which comes from the Father
Faithfulness - for my faith to stand still and strong like the mountain, and not to wax and wane like the moon; for me to be deeply rooted in the Living Word and the Living God so that even if a hurricane comes I will still stand tall
Gentleness - for me to practice meekness; to be humble in the sight of God, not only that, but to be humble in the sight of man; not to be proud of anything, but to recognize all I have, all I can do, is because of God's grace
Self-control - for me to say No and act upon it; for me not to waste time with useless things, but to focus on that which is most important
It wasn't until my mom called when I awoke. Its as if she saved me from my dream. I was lost in this dark labyrinth of an other life until she called. Yet even though I was awake, I still remembered everything I dreamt about. And worse , the same stagnant feeling was with me. I awoke with that horrible feeling of emptiness, lost hope, hollowness. It was horrible. I don't think I like dreams anymore. They're when you're at your weakest. You have no control; all is let loose for the devil to toy with you.
God protect me please. Send your angels to guard my mind, my heart, my soul, my every being! Whether in the conscious world or the subconscious world, please Lord, protect me. I am weak, so incredibly weak without you. Lord, I know I'm crippled without your support, and I am nothing without your love. Please, embrace me with your love and grace that I may be made whole forever and eternity.
Lord, my trust is in YOU and you ALONE!
Why? Because you are my refuge when I'm weak;
My shelter from the storm;
You've always wiped away my tears;
You've returned all my wasted years;
You're my Father and Healer when I'm broken,
You constantly bring peace to my madness, and comfort for my sadness;
Lord, you're my Fountain when I'm thirsty,
and you're my Lover every single time I feel lonely;
You're My God.
My Hayotzer.
My Avi HaKavod.
My Abba.
. and that is why I put my trust in You, Elohim of All time .
We go to church to worship God, and that’s done by giving, not getting. We go to offer something to Him, not to receive from Him. There is blessing in giving, for it says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). So, worship is giving to God, not getting.
The common New Testament word for worship is [proskuneo], which means “to kiss toward, to bow down, to prostrate oneself.” The idea of worship is that one prostrates himself before a superior being with a sense of respect, awe, reverence, honor, and homage. In a Christian context, we simply apply this to God and prostrate ourselves before Him in respect and honor, paying Him the glory due His superior being.
Essentially, then, worship is giving - giving honor and respect to God. That is why we as Christians gather together on Sunday. We don’t gather to give respect to the preacher or those in the choir, we gather to give honour to God. The sermon and the music are just to be the stimuli that create the desire in our hearts to honor Him.
So today I led worship for the first time. I was extremely nervous - and even that is an understatement. When I'm singing, I feel free. I close my eyes, and its just Him and Me. When I sing, I don't feel eyes watching me, I don't feel as if I'm under a microscope. This is because the whole entire congregation sings as one voice, same words, same notes, same thoughts; we all blend in unison. However, when I pray or when I talk, I feel like all eyes are on me, or rather all ears are on me, and because of that nervousness creeps in, words become a jumble in my head, thoughts become cloudy, and I don't know what to say. You'd think that with 10+ years of music festival, stage fright would be wiped out of my dictionary, but nope. despite all those years, I felt the same stage fright I felt when I was 9 years old out on some big stage in some big university playing my tiny violin. It felt the same. Well not completely. But I was nervous today. I just pray with time, I'll get accustomed to leading. That I'll become more confidant in the words I say, and not let the congregation's hearing ears hinder me.
smooth to the max
It turns out this Sunday I'll be leading worship for the 1st time in my life. To be completely honest, I don't feel ready; if anything I feel scared and wholly insufficient for the role. I don't know the first thing about leading a congregation into God's presence, to assist them in TRUE worship - worship that is in spirit and truth, an offering of not just the words we sing, but of everything in our sole being which proclaims wholeheartedly the truths found in those lyrics - something that is beautiful and pleasing to God. Can I really do that? But then again, week after week when I help with worship, I'm 100% sure that is is by God's grace that I can play or sing. I know that without Him and the talents he's given me, I'd be nothing, I'd do nothing, and worst of all I'd feel nothing. So maybe leading worship aint that bad? Seeing as God will be with me through and through. And maybe this is just God's way of telling me to step up to the plate, to start training now in order to prepare for whats to come in the future. But still, I can't help but feel a tad bit apprehensive about Sunday... about not being able to step up to that oh-so-high plate..
not cool.
on another note today is 06/06/06 .. silly how there's so much hype about it. but i learned something new today. Apparently there's a Black Pope! (who is in essence the anti-Pope) The Black Pope, also known as Peter Gilmore, is the head of the Church of Satan. and believe it or not, the church of satan does NOT worship the devil. In fact they've got NOTHING to do with the satan as christians know him to be. Satan in hebrew means 'adversary' ... so in other words Satanism celebrates the atheistic view; they are anti-religion and hedonists! They believe in no form of deity or after-life. All they believe in is making the most out of their lives, living it to the fullest.. thats it. different from what you'd expect eh?
The big, the bad, and the ugly
That "H" word is so incredibly charged. No one in their right mind would want to be tagged by that word. Yet at the same time those who deny it the most can also be the ones who are so blinded as to completely warp the word of God. They are usually the stubborn well-learned ones (maybe not so well-learned)... but rather those who get too accustomed to their own beliefs or interpretations of the Word; those who are so narrow-minded as to not see the other possibilities which may end up being the greater of the truths.
I don't believe a heretic does his or her 'thang' on purpose (with the exception of those certain few). if anything, its stubborness from turning their head towards the even greater truth. Seeing things in that light makes the picture seem quite daunting. For all we know, we OURselves could be the false prophets.. even with good intentions... but bottom line False Prophets! For example, take Hananiah in the book of Jeremiah. Scary to think he was so self-assured not to mention God-assured in his contradictory message from that of the prophet Jeremiah. Yet in the end, he was wrong and subsequently was "removed from the face of the Earth" and within that same year he "died because he preached rebellion against the Lord"
Another thing to mention is the heresy of Modalism. I didn't know it before, but I was always taught ever since i was a youngen to believe in the Trinity as each head having its own purpose. i.e. Holy Spirit ==> purpose in sanctification/conviction/empowerment.... Jesus ==> purpose in redemption..... Father ==> purpose in creation. Yet this is actually a heresy seeing as God exists as the triune God, each head in perfect communion with each other; so no restricting/limiting purposes to confine each figurehead of the Trinity.
Scary stuff eh? how easy it seems to cross over that line into the "H"-realm.