what do those 3 seemingly simple words actually signify? how much do i really mean everytime i utter that phrase? how much of my heart is really in it? as it says in matthew 5, let your yes be yes, and your no be no... so every single thing that comes out of my mouth needs to be packed with promise, intent, and integrity. How can one go about using "I love you" so freely when in their hearts they truly don't care. this phrase has become so overused in our world that its true meaning is callused and lost in a sea of oblivion. I too can be grouped into this bunch of hardened hearts. do i love when i say i love? am i there for him or her when help is needed? would i drop everything for the sake of this person? do i care as much as i say i do?
... the thing i realized as of late is that NO person on earth can ever ever EVER say 'I Love You' unless he or she has experienced continual Love - Perfect love - that from God our Father in Heaven. I bold continual because that word is CRUCIAL to Christians, to us.. to me.. yes, Christians have all experienced God's love one time or another throughout their lives. But it's that moment where it hits you, that moment where suddenly the storm clouds lift and the sun peaks through, its that epiphany that transforms your life for eternity. Ya, its at that moment where we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour because of the love we experienced firsthand from him. Do you remember the feeling? not only that but the true understanding that came with the feeling -- the understanding of how HUGE his love was for us, that all we could do was overflow with his love, and spill it to all those around us. God doesn't want us to reflect his love, he wants us to overflow with his love, like lava bursting out from a volcanoe, consuming and covering all that it comes in contact with. so how then can we love if we are not replenished by the ultimate source of love? if we do not experience his love continually, our love consequently will dry out like the famine-stricken land - cracked, dead. We hear it time and time again: We love because God first Loved Us. It is that continual returning to the cross day-in day-out, not only that but even every single minute of each hour, where we are open to receive what he has to say to us, open to receive the love he so freely gives.. then will we be able to say "I love you" with true, pure, and perfect meaning.
ya i guess this is just a reminder to myself by putting my thoughts down into words. a reminder not to cheapen my Father's love for me by using that oh-so-often-used-phrase "I Love You" without backed meaning.