
10 Goals for '06-'07

My goals. help me Lord to follow through with these words. I know by myself I'm doomed to fail from the start, but you're holding me Lord, it is ALL You and Not Me.
1. this will be incredibly difficult, but from now on, no DC++, no christiantorrents, no downloading in general. i never once thought twice about my downloading music, movies, etc. but last sunday a guy pointed out to me how wrong it was.. he wasn't being judgemental or anything, in fact quite the contrary, but he made me see so clearly that it was just not right. and i recognize that now.. and to recognize yet do nothing, that would be the worst. so ya, no more stealing, cuz that's what it is in essence.

2. as mentioned in a prior post, this year I want to continue being single - for God to be the focal point in my life, for him to be the SOURCE of love that my heart will run to... not boys, not for the ideal of romance. Yet at the same time, this year I want to grow in my relationships with brothers-in-Christ, nothing more nothing less.

3. to put emphasis and strive for consistency in my prayer life; for Him to permeate EVERY SINGLE aspect of my life. not just the quiet prayer time, but to be in direct communication with him in everything that i do.. whether it be when I'm walking to class, when I'm doing homework, in meetings, during meals... everwhere really. its something i'm starting to get used to, and definitely don't want to let go.

4. to continue faithfully through my bible studies every morning. to have completed the book by the end of the year.

5. to grow as a worship leader and disciple in Christ.

6. to put a Godly stance in everything I do and say during Assembly Meetings, and especially during Senate! I've been delegated and elected Senator by You God. I hate politics, it's so dirty, yet you've placed me here, in a position of influence at Queen's. Don't let me shy away from my responsibilities, inspire me to say what you want me to say.. Lord I want Queen's University to be marked and annointed by You!

7. to grow in relationships with my sisters in Christ here at Queen's. Especially look after the relationships with those 3 people I've told you about..

8. to grow in my non-christian relationships. you seem to have placed me in a position with a LOT of non-christian friends. Lord, utilize me, may it be as natural as possible when the time comes to speak your truth.. but more importantly, keep me strong and level-headed. i never want to lose sight of you despite pulling influences.

9. to concentrate on my studies. i'm placed at queen's first and foremost to gain an education. help me glorify your name through my studies.

10. to take joy in everything I do, cuz i only live once, and this life is a gift from you to me. i want to embrace life fully cuz it really IS a joy to be alive!