I want to share a probably insignificant story.. but to me its just further proof of God's divinity!
Last night, after House council (which lasted till 2am!) I came home and noticed a book on my shelf. It was one of my brother's: "The case for faith" . I've always heard people quote or use information from this book, but never got around to reading it. So I decided I'd start last night, despite it being late and all, and despite my being very drained from the day. If anyone knows me, they'd know that I have such a difficult time waking up because i always turn off my alarm clock when i sleep! But I really wanted to read, so I released the worry of waking up and left it up to God. I ended up sleeping a bit before 4am.. (normally, i'd be doomed to sleep in) ... but of course, lo and behold, the next morning Joyce calls me out of the blue at 7:40am. She had a dream apparently (where she needed her passport), and woke up all of a sudden to call me. Passport or not, she called! and because of that call, I woke up for worship practice! So thank you Joyce and Thank you God for taking care of me :)
Happy Birthday Mary-Clair!!
L-->R: Nikki, Mary-Clair, me & Vivian!