i don't know why.. but i've been missing home so much these days. I miss michael. i miss david. I miss mommy and daddy. Its weird, i never felt this way in 1st year.. but these days, all I can think about is HOME. this past summer, i must've complained a lot.. but when i think about it, i had an awesome summer! why? well mainly cuz i got to see my family.
I'm so excited i FINALLY got a phone plan though. Unlimited long distance across canada! OHHH YEAH :) I'm even more excited about going home this christmas! I feel like such a kid again.
Today at bible study, we talked about Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. I relate to Martha so much unfortunately. Just like her, i get bogged down by the little things.. i feel so much pressure though. So many ppl count on me, or rather expect things from me.. i'm finding it harder and harder to deliver. I yearn to be more like Mary - to allow Him to take control of my life, and subsequently all my unfounded worries.
God, teach me to look beyond this world, to things that truly matter, to things that are beautiful and everlasting.