Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust
Life is always changing, the world is always moving, but you are CONSTANT!
Teach me to slow everything around me; teach me to be still in your presence
my weekend
Yesterday, I took a long break from this world. It was beautiful having time spent with you God. much needed one on one time. Thank you for renewing my spirit. There are times when I wish I could fastforward life to about 10 years from now, to the time (i believe) everything will be more or less settled in my life.. i.e. i'll have a job, and just maybe i'll have started a family. But when i think about it more and more, life is so precious! Its truly a wonderful gift from God. To take in the delicious smell of autumn; to feel the tingly cold sensation of frost on our skin; to feast our eyes on a magnificent awe-inspiring soul-filling sunset... and to think this beauty is just a mere shadow in comparison to you. I'm blown away!
I want to share a probably insignificant story.. but to me its just further proof of God's divinity!
Last night, after House council (which lasted till 2am!) I came home and noticed a book on my shelf. It was one of my brother's: "The case for faith" . I've always heard people quote or use information from this book, but never got around to reading it. So I decided I'd start last night, despite it being late and all, and despite my being very drained from the day. If anyone knows me, they'd know that I have such a difficult time waking up because i always turn off my alarm clock when i sleep! But I really wanted to read, so I released the worry of waking up and left it up to God. I ended up sleeping a bit before 4am.. (normally, i'd be doomed to sleep in) ... but of course, lo and behold, the next morning Joyce calls me out of the blue at 7:40am. She had a dream apparently (where she needed her passport), and woke up all of a sudden to call me. Passport or not, she called! and because of that call, I woke up for worship practice! So thank you Joyce and Thank you God for taking care of me :)
Happy Birthday Mary-Clair!!
L-->R: Nikki, Mary-Clair, me & Vivian!
I want to share a probably insignificant story.. but to me its just further proof of God's divinity!
Last night, after House council (which lasted till 2am!) I came home and noticed a book on my shelf. It was one of my brother's: "The case for faith" . I've always heard people quote or use information from this book, but never got around to reading it. So I decided I'd start last night, despite it being late and all, and despite my being very drained from the day. If anyone knows me, they'd know that I have such a difficult time waking up because i always turn off my alarm clock when i sleep! But I really wanted to read, so I released the worry of waking up and left it up to God. I ended up sleeping a bit before 4am.. (normally, i'd be doomed to sleep in) ... but of course, lo and behold, the next morning Joyce calls me out of the blue at 7:40am. She had a dream apparently (where she needed her passport), and woke up all of a sudden to call me. Passport or not, she called! and because of that call, I woke up for worship practice! So thank you Joyce and Thank you God for taking care of me :)
Happy Birthday Mary-Clair!!
L-->R: Nikki, Mary-Clair, me & Vivian!

home is where the heart is
i don't know why.. but i've been missing home so much these days. I miss michael. i miss david. I miss mommy and daddy. Its weird, i never felt this way in 1st year.. but these days, all I can think about is HOME. this past summer, i must've complained a lot.. but when i think about it, i had an awesome summer! why? well mainly cuz i got to see my family.
I'm so excited i FINALLY got a phone plan though. Unlimited long distance across canada! OHHH YEAH :) I'm even more excited about going home this christmas! I feel like such a kid again.
Today at bible study, we talked about Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. I relate to Martha so much unfortunately. Just like her, i get bogged down by the little things.. i feel so much pressure though. So many ppl count on me, or rather expect things from me.. i'm finding it harder and harder to deliver. I yearn to be more like Mary - to allow Him to take control of my life, and subsequently all my unfounded worries.
God, teach me to look beyond this world, to things that truly matter, to things that are beautiful and everlasting.
I'm so excited i FINALLY got a phone plan though. Unlimited long distance across canada! OHHH YEAH :) I'm even more excited about going home this christmas! I feel like such a kid again.
Today at bible study, we talked about Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. I relate to Martha so much unfortunately. Just like her, i get bogged down by the little things.. i feel so much pressure though. So many ppl count on me, or rather expect things from me.. i'm finding it harder and harder to deliver. I yearn to be more like Mary - to allow Him to take control of my life, and subsequently all my unfounded worries.
God, teach me to look beyond this world, to things that truly matter, to things that are beautiful and everlasting.
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