
i yearn to be wholly wholly wholly dependent, reliant and centered on You and You alone. no person, accomplishment or thing in this world will ever be able to satisfy my inner yearnings and desires. You oh Lord quench my deepest thirst, fill my innermost longings and hear my inaudible cries. You get me. You completely get me. without even uttering a single word, You understand, and more than that You speak living words into my life without my even asking, you breathe peace into my lungs and overfill my heart with the love that flows from Yours. You get me, You rescued me, You love me. me in my entirety, not just the best of me, but ALL of me. me, a sinner. me, who rightfully deserved death in body & spirit. me, so insignificant and unclean it'd be unthinkable for You to come close. You are God. i am but a wretched vapor of a sinner.How glorious Your grace to bend down to my level, pick me up and embrace me with open arms that I might come into relationship with You. I'm reminded again how glorious, how undeserving, how beautifully fathomless Your grace poured out on us is.