its the first day of post-exam bliss. and there's no better thing in the world than catching up on some one-on-one time with myself - i'm a total closet introvert. Went and finally bought a camera after 4 months of being camera-less. finished reading off 2 books - they were pretty small, just enough for my short attention span. went to the gym (today i also commence mission fit-into-dress-for-wedding! i'm inbetween 2 dress sizes.. so either gotta gain a few pounds, or lose a few pounds, i choose the latter). its been a habit of mine to head to schonell theatre after the gym and scope out if the piano's free (there's only ONE piano on campus for non-music students to play on.. how tragic!). usually someone's playing on it (no surprise there since again there's only ONE piano) and i sadly go home. but once in a while it'll be free, and i'll get to twinkle away on it. today was one of those days : )
I remember the very first time i played on that piano in schonell, i was actually quite nervous and very self-aware, just cuz its such a public place and many people sit and listen and hear what you sing or play (you'd think 12yrs of music festival would make a difference..). But after a while, that feeling sorta faded, however i am still very aware of the words i sing (sometimes too aware that i become somewhat self-conscious). I usually play and sing Christian songs, and although at first i was quite timid whenever i sang about some strong cutting truths, i've gotten a bit better at singing with more boldness.. and i'm beginning to see this as another way to tell people bout the gospel. There have been a few times where people would clap, so I know they must be listening. And some have randomly come up to me to ask what songs I was singing. There was this one time where 2 guys & a girl came up right next to me to watch me play (it was quite unnerving at first, but they urged me to keep on going... they just wanted to see me upclose?). they then told me they'd heard me play a couple times before, and wanted to know what songs i was singing and what they meant. (wow! what an opportunity eh?) we started talking about Christianity for a bit, which then progressed into a mini-lesson on how to improv. lol, how random! (i love it!) Today was also pretty random. A girl came up and sat right across from me to watch me play (seriously, why do ppl do that? its really awkward.. for me at least lol) I sang & played some songs that i wrote from before and when i finished this girl said that she was a fan of mine?! ..and then asked for my number. (i think i'd be more hesitant if it were a guy lol) but ya, apparently she's heard me before, and now wants to come listen whenever i play at schonell. i like random encounters : ) i pray God will be able to use this for His glory!
I also did some major baking today! Made "pigs in a blanket" It's the first time i've ever kneaded dough, was quite proud of myself : ) lesson to learn for next time... i definitely need to invest in a rolling pin! it takes SO LOOONG to roll things out with your hands. also in the future when/if i become more hardcore, i just might think of investing in some kitchen scales : ) i used to bash them, but i'm now seeing their usefulness. was so tedious going online and searching out different densities of baking stuff and equating that to find the cup/tbsp/tsp equivalent for grams. ai. Here's a pic of them, using my brand-new camera : ) They were delish! Kudos to Uncle Rick for the recipe!