
listen to the tugs :)

Last week during clinical coaching our tutor had recommended us to see a patient, and so a few of us did. After meeting him and taking his history, I felt kinda downtrodden about his circumstances, and could hear him cry out with unspoken words the big questions of life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? ...ultimately he was crying out to His creator without even knowing it.

He'd been heavy on my heart for the next few days. We decided to go see him again to do a neuro exam, but when we saw him and asked for consent, he was too tired and frustrated to see anyone anymore, and just wanted to go home. I was a bit disappointed, hoping that I'd get a chance to talk with him more. Yet even after we left, he kept on tugging at my heart. And so finally I gave in and decided to head back down to his room again, not really knowing what I'd say when I got there, but praying all the while that God would give me words. He'd mentioned he was gonna go for a walk, so in the back of my mind i didn't think he'd be in his room, and thought i'd get out easy. When i got to his room, i stood outside for a bit praying that if he was in his room I'd talk to him, if he wasn't, then at least i tried.

To my surprise he was sitting on the side of his bed, and so I sat down on the chair beside him and we started talking. I really don't know how to explain it, but in that one hour or so something happened. It was like God had orchestrated the conversation to steer it towards the gospel. I look back and all i can do is smile at how God placed the right words and moments in conversation. He'd gone to a Catholic school once, and so I asked him if he'd ever heard what the Bible & Christianity was all about. Surprisingly he said no. And so naturally the next question to ask was if he wanted to hear about it, and he said Yes! We talked a bit more, and in the end we prayed. He was full of tears afterwards and mentioned that his neighbour too had been praying for him every night. Wow eh? God's totally working behind the scenes at all angles! When I went back upstairs, I shared with E & F what had just happened. And how perfect that E had brought an extra bible to give away to a friend, who turned out to already have a bible, so we were able to give this bible to the guy instead! Pray that he will open and read it, and be transformed by the life and work of Jesus Christ. Pray too that God would continue pursuing his heart and soul, through his neighbour or whoever else God places in his life! Also pray that he will pray! prayer sounds like an intensely religiousy kinda thing, but was telling him its just a fancy word that means to talk. He's never talked to God before that day, so pray he will not be afraid to acknowledge and talk to our Creator in heaven.

...Sometimes i forget that God is constantly working behind the scenes. i easily get jaded at the spiritual climate of western countries, thinking ppl don't really wanna hear bout the gospel. but how wonderful it is to be reminded that it's He who works in and prepares the field of people's hearts not us, and if we are willing, he will let us join in and take part in His work :)