i got into brisbane yesterday. on the plane ride here, i was a bit apprehensive about starting another year. there's just so much clutter in my head right now that adding school & the crazy workload that comes with it is the last thing i need. but the moment i landed and the moment i breathed in the hot humid brisbane air, i felt peace. its a good feeling. but its more than a feeling. its a knowledge that everything will work out :) this morning during devos i was staring outside, i could hear the birds chirping, see the sun peaking through the trees and the crystal blue sky, and wow it never ceases to amaze me that God is creator. God is creator of ALL things :) He's placed the moon the sun and the stars in the universe, stretched out the sky before me and filled up the oceans deep, rose the mountains and carved the rivers. He is in control of all things. How comforting to know my life too is in His hands :) and so goodbye apprehension and hello 2010! i'm excited for the new year and look forward to the next decade to come no matter where i end up or what i end up doing.. i pray it all may be used for the expanse of His kingdom!
"Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
You return man to dust
and say, 'Return, O children of man!'
For a thousand years in your sight
are but as yesterday when it is past,
or as a watch in the night.
You sweep them away as with a flood; they are like a dream,
like grass that is renewed in the morning:
in the morning it flourishes and is renewed;
in the evening it fades and withers.
For we are brought to an end by your anger;
by your wrath we are dismayed.
You have set our iniquities before you,
our secret sins in the light of your presence.
For all our days pass away under your wrath;
we bring our years to an end like a sigh.
The years of our life are seventy,
or even by reason of strength eighty;
yet their span is but toil and trouble;
they are soon gone, and we fly away.
Who considers the power of your anger,
and your wrath according to the fear of you?
So teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Return, O Lord! How long?
Have pity on your servants!
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,
and for as many years as we have seen evil.
Let your work be shown to your servants,
and your glorious power to their children.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!"
-psalm90 (esv)
My resolve is to:
"Keep vigilant watch over my heart;
that's where life starts.
Don't talk out of both sides of my mouth;
avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep my eyes straight ahead;
ignore all sideshow distractions.
Watch my step,
and the road will stretch out
smooth before me.
Look neither right nor left;
leave evil in the dust." -prov4:20-27 (msg)