I arrived last night at 7:45pm. It was quite the hectic morning with many bumps on the road! I set my alarm to 3am, my flight was at 5:00am, and of course i sleep through the alarm and end up waking at 4:25am. In a state of adrenalin-shock i frantically called up a taxi who gets me to the airport at 4:45am (unheard of! he drove like a madman). I run into the airport and silly me forgot to check-in the night before, and since the check-in deadline was for 4:30am.. i was too little too late. I had to pay a $50 fine (*sigh) to change the flight, but my card kept on declining. my heart sunk as i thought of the worst case scenario, that perhaps someone had gotten into my account and emptied it? but i called the bank and everything was alright.. so i'm guessing its just the magnetic strip that has gone wonky.. will have to sort it out when i get back. I wasn't sure how i was gonna pay the $50. Out of habit i never carry a credit card with me, but for some reason as i was hopelessly searching through my wallet, i found one! (strange!) so thankfully I was still able to catch a flight to Perth :) I only had some spare change in my wallet, so for the whole day i had 1 mcdonald's apple pie lol. SO DELICIOUS when u go a day without food!
When I arrived on the other end, Christine (Chris) and George (the doc I'm shadowing out here in Perth) met me at the airport with a welcome sign :) I've never met a lovelier couple than they! Greeted with warm hugs & kisses from well.. absolute strangers, yet they made me feel so absolutely at home. That same night we drove around delivering huge bags full of bread (which they often do) to some of their detox houses (which house anyone without or needing a home after receiving treatment for as long as it takes for them to get on their feet). All i can say is wow, I've never met a more radical couple! It's even more inspiring when I consider their age! They could be my grandparents, yet still they are running hard & fast for the Lord =)