i love kcac.
i think if i leave here, i'll be most sad about leaving this church.
in all honesty, if i had never gotten to know the chinese side, i wouldn't have felt at HOME as i feel now with this church. it's crazy. how do all those aunties and uncles remember our names? ... but ya, tonight we had dumpling night. and wow. it was amazing. seeing SOOO Many people come out, but not only that, seeing so many new faces! what a great way to reach out to co-workers, friends, even students. i felt sad.. really really sad that there were only 2 people from the english congregation who came out. we truly did miss out on an amazing night. a night where i felt part of a family. you step in and the aroma of good food hits you ! then when you head downstairs, so many friendly faces, so many warm handshakes and hugs :) i love kcac.