
torn away

you slip through the cracks
uncared for.

gravity takes hold of you.
you fall
through that dark all-too-familiar hole
jagged and endless

closing your eyes
you cling to a thought
any thought.
something that will take your mind away
from the towering truth
the inevitable unrelenting truth.

you are falling

something catches at your feet,
a glimmer of hope streaming through
you look back
only to hear the mocking laughter.


embrace the cold.
embrace the nothing.

you stop fighting
fists no longer clenched
eyes no longer shut
heart no longer closed.
it is now when you let go

you begin.
to feel the gentle warmth
dancing on your face
caressing each darkened contour

you begin,
to smell the sweet aroma
of familiarity teasing your senses
beckoning acknowledgment

you begin
to hear the lulling song
wrapping you in notes of love
twirling in and out

you see

arms enfolding you
taking you in
lifting you up
you were blind to the strength that was not your own
to the love that held you

for you are
utterly loved.

not for what you've done
not for who you think you are
not for anything
but simply

you are loved.
don't cry sweet girl.
you were never falling
you were never alone

for I was and will always be here.