I can see the light. my last exam is peeking just around the corner! I'm almost there; can't wait to be home. I need to see family again, I need to see my home church again. I feel like such a baby being so homesick, ooh , just a bit more.
So, this was what my week has been like thus far (exam-wise):
monday = anatomy 215
tuesday = biology 205
wednesday = linear alg 111
friday (tomorrow) = organic chem 281
disgusting? I agree. But like i said, i'm almost DONE! Despite my homesickness, there's still a part of me that wants to stay in kingston. Oh, I've been sucked into loving those highschoolers. Joycie why? lol! we're getting together tomorrow just after my orgo exam, and just before my bus ticket outta here. Its gonna be such a fun nite, gift exchange, fajitas, games games games! I had NO idea what to get DanielO, but ended up sticking with what he requested ==> sour candies. yup, how unoriginal, how boring. but hey, i got an excuse! had no time to shop or to think of an interesting gift, .. joycie even BOUGHT his gift for me! thats how crunched for time i've been lately.
throughout this stressful week, i've discovered 2 really cool bands!
1) Death cab for Cutie
2) Kutless
i think i'm really likin emo these days. Dean got me hooked! one song i recommend from death cab :: title & registration <-- i guarantee you'll like it if you're into something subtle & laidback. Now Kutless, they're a christian band, sorta like ReliantK, so in other words, they're AMAZING! I'd classify them as a sorta "rebopunk-gone-good" group (lol if that makes sense). Song for recommendation :: Treason <-- listen.