
what a love!

been slowly going through 1 Peter with John Piper. over & over, this quote concerning 1 Peter 1:10-12 keeps popping back into my head... and every time I'm still blown away by it, by the love God has for his children from eternity past to now to eternity future

"Christ, the Son of God in Heaven, has been contemplating his suffering and his death for us for centuries. Indeed as far back as the plan of salvation reaches in the mind of God, so far back has Christ been willing and ready to give himself for our sins. You were not loved for just a bloody moment of sacrifice in history. You have been loved for endless ages in the eternal plan of the Father and the Son to save sinners who trust in him."

utterly speechless.


The Cambridge Seven

The Cambridge Seven were a group of 7 men who became missionaries to China in 1885 (with China Inland Mission), but before doing so they toured universities across England and Scotland, holding meetings for students to hear their testimonies and why they were going to China. God brought a huge revival to Great Britain through the "Cambridge Seven".. many came to listen to them talk, and hundreds up to even a thousand were converted each night. Was really moved reading their brief biographies ... they were men of prayer, men of complete devotion to God, men who saw the urgency of the gospel, the urgency to reach lost souls.. and I'm greatly touched by the faith-filled lives they led. Some things in particular that got my attention...
  • They didn't wait until they 'got out into the mission field' to be missionaries, God used them exactly where they were in their colleges, in the army, sports teams, neighbours, etc... they were already missionaries before they 'became missionaries.'
  • They were all different - different personalities, different strengths/weaknesses, different backgrounds... but all had a unified passion to see lost souls saved. I don't have to be someone I'm not. I am who God made me to be.
  • It was no easy thing for them to be Christians... they were all in, and in so doing risked popularity, risked fame, success, wealth, career, they gave it all up for His cause (one example that stood out: C.T. Studd was a famous cricketer, the "Michael Jordan" of cricket at that time, but "once revived in the Spirit, his passion for Christ superseded that for cricket and he gave up his promising career in exchange for the hard path Christ marked out for him").
"Are you living for the day or are you living for life eternal? Are you going to care for the opinion of men here, or for the opinion of God? The opinion of men won't avail us much when we get before the judgment throne. But the opinion of God will. Had we not, then, better take His word and implicitly obey it?" - C.T. Studd
  • God worked a huge revival in these men to call them to repentance & faith, although some had Christian parents, they themselves were asleep and at best nominal Christians... not until Christ called them personally. This 'sleeping Christian' culture is not so different from today is it. We cannot inherit our faith, indeed we must each have our own Christ encounter.
  • In China, though money, health, and even missionary support failed at times, still they kept pursuing the lost. They endured hardships with great joy. Their love for the people of China was so huge, that many of the 7 stayed in China as long as they could.. even to their dying breath. God put a great love in their hearts for the lost. I'm reminded also that He puts this same love in me too, although many a time it is dampened by the pursuits of this world & myself.

Like the faithful men & women in Hebrews 11, reading stories of recent Christians who also showed faith ... in this case, 7 brothers in Christ who gave up all for the calling God had set before them to preach the lost... its so faith-building! What examples they are although displaced in time, but with cultures not so different from ours. I guess, it's always the case that following Christ is a path that goes against the stream of culture, goes against the things this world places value on.. popularity, success, wealth, or even something as simple as desiring to live a comfortable and safe life, where everything is insured and safe-guarded, there are no risks, no leaps of faith, no surprises.

But is this a life worth living?

At the cross where I've found forgiveness and grace, here at the cross, Jesus thought I was worth dying for that I might live. If this life I have now which cost Jesus his all, if I live this life for myself then there is no worth in it and in so doing claim Christ as worthless. But if I consider Christ as my full worth, then how easy it is for me to live fully trusting and fully for Him. This is not fleshed out though in myself I know as I still grip consciously & subconsciously to the side rails of earthly securities and common-sense 'worldly' wisdom. I imagine sometimes what it would be like to let go of these things, and at once the fearful 'what-ifs' come into play. Oh to see a bigger clearer picture of our Almighty God! Reading about these men though, its so faith-building... that they can trust wholeheartedly in our Father, means we too can trust in Him all the more!


"It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide, veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be more prosperous and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common-sense basis.

What do I really count dear? If I have not been gripped by Jesus Christ, I will count service dear, time given to God dear, my life dear unto myself. Paul says he counted his life dear only in order that he might fulfill the ministry he had received; he refused to use his energy for any other thing. Acts 20:24 states Paul's almost sublime annoyance at being asked to consider himself; he was absolutely indifferent to any consideration other than that of fulfilling the ministry he had received. Practical work may be a competitor against abandonment to God, because practical work is based on this argument - Remember how useful you are here, or - Think how much value you would be in that particular type of work. That attitude does not put Jesus Christ as the Guide as to where we should go, but our judgment as to where we are of most use. Never consider whether you are of use; but ever consider that you are not your own but His." -- Oswald Chambers

how i long to see Your glory Lord.. I feel poked and prodded of a distant vision.. oh that by your grace you would direct my steps & equip me for what's to come, that you would grant me the patience and peace to walk faithfully and obediently as you re-create me completely to be someone who chases after holiness and fully hopes in your grace. Prepare my mind, fill it with truth from your word, and guard my heart against the desires & lusts of this world, that I be fully embracing fully hoping in your grace. Let me never lean on my own strength, nor think myself higher than I really am... but help me see myself as you see me, and help me love others as you love them. how i yearn to be passionate and fully abandoned for your word, your will, your glory..