"You have no idea of where God is going to engineer your circumstances, no knowledge of what strain is going to be put on you either at home or abroad, and if you waste your time in overactive energies instead of getting into soak on the great fundamental truths of God's redemption, you will snap when the strain comes; but if this time of soaking before God is being spent in getting rooted & grounded in God on the unpractical line, you will remain true to Him whatever happens." - Oswald Chambers
time to soak
the core
human trafficking, early rumblings.

- 1.2 million children are trafficked every year
- 95% of victims experience physical or sexual violence during trafficking
- 2.5 million people are in forced labour at any given time as a result of trafficking
- 30 billion dollars from profits worldwide annually
- Fair Work Ombudsman.
- The role of the Australian Federal Police, with their Human Trafficking Teams (and other resources found on their website)
- The role of the Red Cross (accessed through AFP), in supporting trafficked people help access emergency accommodation, healthcare & welfare needs, and psychological services
- Project Respect (who specifically support women in the sex industry)
- The Anti-Slavery Project
The voice of leaky, dripping pipes
Endless, aching drops of light
Running, pushing falling down
Always longing, always now
Silent underneath these streets
Even blood finds ways to bleed
Even rivers ways to run
Even rain to reach the sun
Even here within these means
Within this skin, within these dreams
Longing for the other shore
The world we've never been before
Restless for the infinite
With tears of saints and hypocrites
For death and life, for night and day
With blood of black and white and grey
One by one by one by one
Our rivers surge and fight and run
Until the sea of glass we meet
At last completed and complete
Where tide and tear and pain subside
And joy and laughter drink them dry
what a love!
The Cambridge Seven
- They didn't wait until they 'got out into the mission field' to be missionaries, God used them exactly where they were in their colleges, in the army, sports teams, neighbours, etc... they were already missionaries before they 'became missionaries.'
- They were all different - different personalities, different strengths/weaknesses, different backgrounds... but all had a unified passion to see lost souls saved. I don't have to be someone I'm not. I am who God made me to be.
- It was no easy thing for them to be Christians... they were all in, and in so doing risked popularity, risked fame, success, wealth, career, they gave it all up for His cause (one example that stood out: C.T. Studd was a famous cricketer, the "Michael Jordan" of cricket at that time, but "once revived in the Spirit, his passion for Christ superseded that for cricket and he gave up his promising career in exchange for the hard path Christ marked out for him").
"Are you living for the day or are you living for life eternal? Are you going to care for the opinion of men here, or for the opinion of God? The opinion of men won't avail us much when we get before the judgment throne. But the opinion of God will. Had we not, then, better take His word and implicitly obey it?" - C.T. Studd
- God worked a huge revival in these men to call them to repentance & faith, although some had Christian parents, they themselves were asleep and at best nominal Christians... not until Christ called them personally. This 'sleeping Christian' culture is not so different from today is it. We cannot inherit our faith, indeed we must each have our own Christ encounter.
- In China, though money, health, and even missionary support failed at times, still they kept pursuing the lost. They endured hardships with great joy. Their love for the people of China was so huge, that many of the 7 stayed in China as long as they could.. even to their dying breath. God put a great love in their hearts for the lost. I'm reminded also that He puts this same love in me too, although many a time it is dampened by the pursuits of this world & myself.
quote snapshots of Impact 2011
- turn to God in prayer... or become bitter
- be quiet & thoughtful... or begin to complain
- be tender & compassionate... or be harsh & cruel
- learn new trust in God... or rebel against Him
- take courage... or begin to fear
- draw close to God in our suffering... or draw away" - Laurie Walsh
happy easter
i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment
gotta study for step1
gotta push forward this rather stagnant project of mine
gotta get through med rotation, there's so much to learn!
gotta start on that list of errands to do...i need a day off, things close too early here
ok. i guess there's no better way to get a move on than actually moving instead of being paralyzed under this cloud of 'to-do' . although i can't help but think how silly it is to be busy.. and for what. i guess its more a means to an end at this point.
"He is showing us the plan for a Christian church that is much more than an association of congenial friends to listen once a week to an intellectual discourse and musical entertainment and carry on by proxy a mechanism of Christian work; but rather a church that can be at once the mother and home of every form of help and blessing which Jesus came to give to lost and suffering men, the birthplace and the home of souls, the fountain of healing and cleansing, the sheltering home for the orphan and distressed, the school for the culture and training of God's children, the armory where they are equipped for the battle of the Lord and the army which fights those battles in His name. Such a center of population in this sad and sinful world!"-- A. B Simpson, A Larger Christian Life p. 153
2nd week in...
there've been many times when patients would break down in tears from the weight of everything thats been happening, and all the while everyone would be thinking 'oh no, we've got no time for this.' What a horrible thought. but also learning why people think like this. That by spending more time with one patient, it means spending less time with another. Looking at my reg, she shows compassion & warmth where she can, and still balances the reality of the time-crunch. so i'm starting to realize maybe its more a matter of learning how to switch on & off between patients, and learning how to be most efficient with the little time that's given. being in the moment when the moment requires, and as soon as that moment passes, switching that off and focusing on the next task at hand. not heartless, but practical. ..or maybe this is me becoming more cynical
personally i find it rather difficult to switch off, i can't help but linger on a situation and try to find some sort of resolution. i'm learning quick though that more often than not there are no easy answers, no quick fixes. Each patient has a myriad of complex issues to be addressed. to imagine carrying over each patients' issues and dwelling on them all... would ultimately lead to brain combustion! which is why i've been super amazed at what the allied health team does. that no tear shed is forgotten. underlying reasons for everything will be sought and resolved. and that before discharging anyone, the team makes sure they're good to go & well-supported to cope in post-hospital life.
all in all, i'm really loving medicine. so thankful He's placed me here to learn... it's busy, but it's good.
blessed are they...
listening to this made me realize again how controversial & seemingly nonsensical Jesus is in what He says. its completely opposite from how the world would have it. its crazy how sin has a way of blinding us so completely that what seems right or wise or 'the good way to go" is so far-off from the truth as found in the Bible.
as i was listening i noticed the laughter going on in the background, i too joined in with laughter at some of the things said which seemed absurdly ridiculous, but when taking a step back couldn't help but think of the many times past & present where i've lived by the 'modern code.' how its all but too easy to think myself blessed to be in comfort, to have all my needs met... being self-sufficient to the point of self-reliant, to not be troubled by the atrocities going on in the world.. being numbed to the point that i say "It's just how life is".. and hence not fighting or praying for change!
But thank God for His grace, that though I sin far too easily, though at times the order of things gets topsy turvy in my head, He is patient with me, brings to my attention the things i ought to work on and the things His Spirit works in me to change! Reading through the real beatitudes is so comforting. reminded me of times when i clung to these few sentences as if they were precious gems.. and oh how they are! shining truths amongst deceptive lies the world weaves into our heads.