
the hard things

In midst of busyness, and a million last-minute things to do that have still been left unfinished, and the impending doom of all the work i'll need to catch up on when i come back, along with my brain feeling like its about to combust, God bonks me on the head and makes me stop running to & fro. He makes me stop with all the doing, and turns my head to refocus my vision back onto the important things. Things like making time for people, sharing & clarifying the gospel to others, spending time reading & meditating on His word, being filled with joy & being content knowing He is constantly working in others (& in me!), being EXCITED for His Kingdom's growth. God is funny, in that during those times we feel most weak, or in my case, most overwhelmed with everything, he will use us and make us drop everything so that at all times we prioritize His Kingdom first. so even though i didn't get anything knocked off my to-do list tonight, oh how wonderful it is to share the message of what our Saviour did on the cross, and what a wonderful msg it is!

So blessed to meet such an encouraging sister who models selflessness with time, placing people above herself for the sake that they may come to know Christ. Through her God's really convicted me bout the way i use my time. In the past (& now too) i've always been selfish with what i spend my time doing... I saw more value in doing things (especially if it meant pumping up my resume) & getting things done rather than spending time to hang out with people (which in my head i thought of as being 'less-productive'). Oh how wrong this is!

When I come back from canada, yes it'll be crazy busy catching up with school work & all the assignments to complete, yes studying for usmle will be this ginormous mountain to climb (and just thinking bout it makes my knees shake), but oh how I pray He would keep my head & heart above it all, helping me to be selfless with my time especially when it comes to building & bringing others to the faith!


oh the uncertainties but huge open-door possibilities there will be in the future. to keep looking ahead at the path and where it leads, not to get stuck in the tiny decisions speckled on the ground in front of me and not to let pride cause a roadblock on this path; to walk behind Jesus as He leads step by step, throwing away all frustration, weariness, self-preoccupation, worry, and c o n t r o l, and placing my plans, career, earnings, time, heart, all of it for His Kingdom's sake; to have revealed to me the crowns i've stored in my heart, and to help me give them all up till i have nothing left but the crown You offer in heaven.. this is my prayer.

thank you VL for your sharing. am encouraged to question the things i'm holding onto. .


What does love look like?
It has the hands to help others.
It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.
It has the eyes to see misery and want.
It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.
That is what love looks like.
-St. Augustine