
today I got the chance to shadow a Christian doctor who specializes in Addiction Medicine. He's someone I'd classify as a radical Christian, someone who's so strongly rooted in the Word, running against the mainstream current of culture and society. WOW! that's really all i can say about this man. The backstory on this guy: he runs the health center all by himself (which is nuts considering the sheer number of patients he has waiting to see him!), he starts work at 7am in the morning, and finishes around 7-8pm at night, he sees so many patients and is always short for time, yet always makes time for all his patients. More than that, he always makes time to preach the gospel and to pray!

For a long time, i've been struggling with how my calling can be one that is used for His kingdom. I've talked to a few Christian doctors before about this... and it seemed the consensus was: do your job well, show compassion, and heal them.. and maybe just maybe they'll see a difference in you from other doctors, maybe just maybe they'll ask about what you believe in, maybe just maybe you'll get to share your faith... but i'm not one for the maybes. today, i finally got my answer, that yes, indeed we CAN be bold for Him (even in a medicolegal way!).

it was amazing to join the ride on the God-train today and to see God work in these peoples lives. these people who, by society's standards, are considered trash, garbage to be taken out and pushed out of sight. BUT this doctor helped pierce straight through their problems of addiction to the core & root of it all, that God needs to be in their lives. There was this woman who came in today in her late 30s. she's a heroin addict and victim of abuse on the road to recovery. i still remember what she said.

"When you're 16, young and naive, you believe all the lies that life & happiness is all about the sex, the booze, and the drugs, and for a while you truly believe & live the 'good' life, but then there comes a day when you wake up from the nightmare, and all you see is brokeness, pain, a shattered life and a shattered image of who you once were."

we prayed for this woman. for her and her sister who also was led astray to the life of heroin. i remember praying over her and being so taken over with the Spirit that i didn't even know what i was speaking about cuz the words were just coming out of my mouth so fast (usually i'm a slow quiet ponderer of a prayerer). But wow, today I saw 2 women come to Christ right there! After prayer, tears of joy were rolling from their eyes, knowing that yes we are made new & clean & beautiful through Christ's blood shed for us. More than that, all the lies and the grip that heroin holds on them is something that is conquerable, conquerable through Christ!

There were a lot of other God moments that happened today in the center. For example, this one homeless girl who's been hopping from shelter to shelter, and who's life for a long while now has been claimed by heroin came in today. After giving her life to the Lord 10 days ago, her life has done a 180 turn! she found a job, found a place to live, and is now receiving treatment to get her addiction under control. WOW! we prayed with her and just shared in our joy for her life that has been so miraculously transformed!

this and more, that is why just thinking through the day, i couldn't and can't help but be overflowing with pure joy knowing that God is doing amazing things, that He is Good, REALLY Good, and truly Sovereign even in the most seemingly hopeless lives.
today reminded me that,

it's not about medicine.
it's all about His work, His mission, His kingdom here on earth.

it's not about me.
it's all about Him!
!Praise God in all that He does despite all we lack!