its so hard to keep in touch with your old friends from back home.. BUT today was not the case! Dave called, which was so incredibly outta the blue.. haven't talked to him since.. well since 2 years ago i believe. he updated me on everyone and everything.. and its really crazy how much and how little people have changed. apparently i sound older.. and dare-i-say wiser? but i guess thats all part of the growing-up package. then i talked to jamie! i miss her so much. its weird how we're so opposite, yet we get along so well. i mean come ON, she's in the ARMY reserves for goodness sake haha, and i'm .. well i'm totally NOT army-material haha. they'd boot me outta there so quickly =P this christmas, everyone's coming home! i'm so excited! even Dave is gonna make a trip all the way from washington dc.. poor guy has to get his wisdom teeth out *ai. but yup, =D can't wait to see them!
soo.. i dug up these pictures whilst in the midst of reminiscing on the past: lol we're so weird aren't we? :P

see? i have asian friends, i have basically all asian friends! then there's the token Sam and Sapsford :P (L->R: Sapsford (aka Saps aka Sarah), Vicpoo, ME, Sam, Jamie (aka Turtle aka Shortstuff lol), Di, and Dave)

aren't we so weird? :)

oh vicpoo, i have YET to have a picture where your eyes are ACTUALLY open :P lol! maybe this christmas!

lol we're strange, what can i say? but we're strange in an oh-so-cool-kinda-way!